Online Courses
Picture Writing
Picture Writing: Written and visual language The difference between writing for radio and writing for television Visual and written language concept Visual and verbal perception creative visual composition Read and interpret the picture News indications and image provisions Create a montage plan  creative relationship between the image and the text Short sentences Verbal content complements… View Article
Storytelling for Digital Platforms
Storytelling for digital platforms: Types of digital narration and its forms with examples skills steps
Writing Press Releases
Writing Press Releases: How to write a press release the statement content with clarification and facilitation of the data Documentation of the information in the release Coordinate the basic elements of a statement Signs of the end of the press release useful ideas for the statement
Public Speaking
Public Speaking: Introductions Effective public discourse before confrontation Psychological and mental preparations de-stress get rid of desire Prepare the content Emotional stability and overcoming fear sense building Confrontational intelligence, crowd patterns, and interaction with audience questions leave a trail
Media Management Crises
Media management crises: Definition, types, properties Its causes and effects Crisis life cycle Crisis management media management Strategic elements of management Media and actions before they happen Crisis media communication
Content Marketing for Digital Platforms
Content Marketing for Digital Platforms:  digital marketing definition Types of digital marketing channels.  Types of digital marketing platforms. The difference between digital marketing and traditional marketing. Introduction for  social networking sites. Planning marketing campaigns on social networking sites. Methods of planning marketing campaigns and selecting objectives and strategies. The art of selecting content. Methods for… View Article
Online Broadcasting Technologies
Online Broadcasting Technologies Online Live Broadcasting Service Distributor Online streaming service distributor What is an ISP? What is an Internet Content Distributor? What is the difference between free and paid distribution? Internal TV and TV Internet What is IPTV? What are the benefits of using an indoor TV? What is the difference between indoor TV… View Article
Mobile Press
Mobile Press Mobile press : Definition and Strengths Photography basics Photography with a mobile phone Photo editing Filming a video on a mobile phone Video recording apps Video interview video editing montage
Social Media and Content Management
A- SOCIAL MEDIA Beginner At this level, the candidate will learn the following. How to create Professional Social media mediums for his business Learn how to create cover photo, profile picture, and post designs Learn how to use effective hashtags and links that will help increase brand awareness and SEO Learn how to create page… View Article
Graphic Design
A- ILLUSTRATOR CRUSH COURSE At this level, the candidate will learn the following. introduction to illustrator Learn how to use the essential working tools (pen tool, Texts, Brush tools, etc) Learn how to create invitation cards, illustrations, Posters Learn how to create Logo • Learn how to create business card Learn how to create letter… View Article